snes.gif (4846 bytes)

supernintendo.gif (63590 bytes)

Nos arquivos divididos, voc� deve copiar todas as partes, descompact�-las em um  mesmo diret�rio e ativar o execut�vel existente.

Lost Vikings: 756 Kb Screenshot
Lost Vikings 2: 746 Kb Screenshot
Mario All Stars: 961 Kb Screenshot
Rock'n Roll Racing: 795 Kb Screenshot
R-Type 3: 950 Kb Screenshot
Super Bomberman 2: 435 Kb Screenshot
Super Bomberman 3: 827 Kb Screenshot
Super Bomberman 4: 903 Kb Screenshot
Sim City 2000: 831 Kb Screenshot
SimCity: 300 Kb Screenshot
SmashTV: 368 Kb Screenshot
SonicWings: 562 Kb Screenshot
Super Mario World: 340 Kb Screenshot
Super Turrican: 392 Kb Screenshot
Top Gear 2: 624 Kb Screenshot
WildGuns: 705 Kb Screenshot
Wolfeinstein 3D: 553 Kb Screenshot
Worms: 622 Kb Screenshot
YoshiCooke: 284 Kb Screenshot
Zelda 3: 692 Kb Screenshot
Adventure Island 2: 776 Kb. 12 Mb Ram Screenshot
Adventure Island: 521 Kb. 8 Mb Ram Screenshot
Aerofight: 567 Kb Screenshot
Aladdin: 813 Kb Screenshot
Amanga 2: 296 Kb Screenshot
Arkanoid: 230 Kb Screenshot
Batman Returns: 740 Kb. 8 MB Ram. Screenshot
Battletoads vs Double Dragon: 681 Kb Screenshot
Castlevania Dracula X: 1,20 Mb. 16 Mb Ram Screenshot
Coolspot: 666 Kb Screenshot
Contra 3 - The Alien Wars: 741 Kb. 8 MB Ram. Screenshot
Donkey Kong Country 2: 2,85 Mb. 32 Mb Ram Screenshot
Donkey Kong Country 3: 3,05 Mb. 32 Mb Ram Screenshot
Donkey Kong Country: 2,66 Mb. 32 Mb Ram Screenshot
FZero: 285 Kb Screenshot
Final Fight: 639 Kb Screenshot
Final Fight 2: 790 Kb. 10 MB Ram. Screenshot
Final Fight 3: 1,74 Mb. 24 Mb Ram
Parte 1: 901 Kb
Parte 2: 895 Kb
Ghouls'n Ghosts: 655 Kb Screenshot
Internacional Super Star Soccer De Luxe: 1,43 Mb. 16 Mb Ram
Parte 1: 801 Kb
Parte 2: 676 Kb
Megaman X: 920 Kb. 12 Mb Ram Screenshot
Nosferatu: 1,31 Mb. 16 Mb Ram
Parte 1: 701 Kb
Parte 2: 654 Kb
Pocky & Rocky 2: 921 Kb. 12 Mb Ram Screenshot
Revenge of Double Dragon: 695 Kb. 8 MB Ram. Screenshot
Sonic: 743 Kb. 8 Mb Ram Screenshot
SunsetRiders: 769 Kb. 9 MB Ram. Screenshot
Super Bomberman: 307 Kb Screenshot
Super Castlevania 4: 863 Kb. 9 Mb Ram Screenshot
Super R-Type: 404 Kb Screenshot
Super Metroid: 1,49 Mb. 24 Mb Ram.
Parte 1: 801 Kb
Parte 2: 672 Kb
TMNT 4 - Turtles in Time: 788 Kb. 8 MB Ram. Screenshot